Happy Friday the 13th, all! Truthfully, this day is no different than any other day for me because I’m not a terribly superstitious person. I also don’t have a black cat, nor have I left the house since yesterday around noon, which means my chances of coming across one, or walking under a ladder, are...Continue Reading
The UPS man brought me a gift today. Typing is difficult right now because my hands are still shaking with excitement, so let me just jump straight to the goods. Check out this boxful of gorgeousness: It’s my book!!! In book form! With pages! And a spine! Speaking of spines, look at this bad boy:...Continue Reading
By that, I mean, it’s hitting me. A little more each day. That this is actually happening. That my story is one day going to be printed and bound and very much in book form. The cover reveal last week was just the start. Thank you, to everyone that dropped by Pub Crawl to comment...Continue Reading
If you follow me on twitter, you may have noticed a long bout of silence these last two weeks. Well, I was off in Europe with the Engineer, traversing through Paris and rural Germany and then wrapping things up in Amsterdam. It was a blast, filled with delicious pastries, coffee, beer, wine, cheeses, sight-seeing, hiking,...Continue Reading