Friday the 13th! (and books I wish I wrote)

Happy Friday the 13th, all! Truthfully, this day is no different than any other day for me because I’m not a terribly superstitious person. I also don’t have a black cat, nor have I left the house since yesterday around noon, which means my chances of coming across one, or walking under a ladder, are highly unlikely. I suppose I could break a mirror or open an umbrella indoors, but I’m pretty much confined to my office at the moment, which holds neither. So yeah.

But I’ll tell you where Friday the 13th does cause a ruckus: over on Friday the Thirteeners. We are celebrating today with goofy anagrams (it will make sense when you click through, I promise) and a huge giveaway of books. Thirteen to be exact.

What’s special about this giveaway is that we each offered up a book written in our respective genres that we wish we’d written first. My “genre” is hard to pin-point because TAKEN blends quite a few. It’s equal parts action/adventure, mystery, and dystopia, with a dash of romance, all brewed up in a big pot of sci-fi. I like to think that it’s an unputdownable book, full of twists and compelling characters.*

So when I sat down to think about what novel I’d add to the Thirteeners giveaway, what novel feels like all of these things I love to write (and read!), Veronica Rossi’s UNDER THE NEVER SKY immediately came to mind.

I don’t think it’s much of a secret how much I adore this book. I’ve gushed about it here, and it’s one of my favorite YA series currently in progress. UtNS is the ultimate genre-blending page-turner, featuring a captivating yet terrifying world that is peopled by characters you can’t help but root for. I love this novel and I wish I wrote it. (*shakes fists at V*)

Other books in genres somewhat similar to TAKEN’s that I wish I wrote:

  • THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins (because…do I even need to explain?)
  • FEED by MT Anderson (because this blend of sci-fi and dystopia set in a very believable near-future is genius)
  • BLOOD RED ROAD by Moira Young (because I can’t resist a good rescue- and quest-driven adventure)
  • HOLES by Louis Sachar (because when it comes to well-woven mysteries, this takes the cake)
  • THE GIVER by Lois Lowry (because watching Jona’s world of lies unravel is painfully beautiful)
  • And there are many, many books I wish I wrote that don’t share genres or elements with TAKEN, but that’s a whole separate conversation

Be sure to head over to Friday the Thirteeners and check out the other novels being offered up. You should really enter the giveaway while you’re at it. It’s open internationally, and who doesn’t want 13 free books?!

And to completely shift gears, I have news to share! TAKEN just sold in Spain to Random House Mondadori! Foreign sales always make me so happy. Knowing my book will soon be reaching even more readers is nothing short of awesome. Muchas gracias, España!

If you live in Europe, TAKEN will be now be available in three countries: Germany (from Piper), Italy (from Sperling & Kupfer), and Spain (from Random House Mondadori / Montena). Yipee! Who said Friday the 13th was an unlucky day?

* You’ll have to let me know if this is true after you’ve read it yourself.

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