

7 lessons I’ve learned so far…

Alas, Pub Crawl readers, the time has come for me to make my exit. I’ve been writing for this blog since 2012 and it’s been a blast. From sharing publishing insights and craft advice, to engaging in wonderful discussions via the comments, to just geeking out over books and pop culture, I’ve had so much...
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The Difference Between ARCs and Finished Copies 101

These are my pass pages for Vengeance Road. This is the first time my book has been typeset (read: not been a .doc file), which is very exciting. Pretty fonts! Chapter headings! Crop marks! Advance reader copies (ARCs) are printed from pass pages. While the ARCs are produced and distributed to early reviewers, the pass...
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Switching genres — Can it hurt your author brand?

I asked for blog topic suggestions on twitter yesterday, and one of our readers posed the following (paraphrased): There’s the idea of author brand and books readers expect from that author. But what happens if the author wants to write in a new genre? As a YA author who debuted with a sci-fi/dystopian trilogy and...
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Debuting, or Lessons Learned in 2013

After spending days/weeks/months counting down to Taken‘s release, my debut year is finally coming to a close. It unfolded with a lot of highs, lows, surprises, and everything in between. I’m incredibly grateful for all the experiences I’ve had, but gosh, I wish I’d been prepared for the emotional roller coaster of putting a book...
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