Go Away, I’m Reading!

free dust jackets for the book-lover

There are two truths about reading:

  1. It’s infinitely better than watching TV
  2. As soon as a book gets good, someone will interrupt you.

Let’s face it, book lovers are forever persecuted by chatterboxes with one goal in mind: to ensure we don’t find out whodunit anytime soon. But because it’s generally seen as rude to yell something “#@*% off, I’m reading,” most readers shut their book and succumb to chitchat.

Sarah EnniTracey Neithercott, and I lamented this particular reading woe on Twitter awhile back, and from it, an idea was born.

We proudly present to you the Go Away, I’m Reading! dust jackets–a series of custom covers that (politely) tell people what to do if they interrupt your reading.

The response to these jackets has been greater than we ever expected. Case in point: You can find us on GalleyCatio9the Daily WhatShelf Awareness, and Nerd Approved. Not to mention all over tumblr!

The original set is shown to the right, but because of the enthusiasm we added a Hunger Games set.

That's 14 FREE dust jackets for your enjoyment!

Grab your favorites below, and may your future reading be peaceful and private!

How To


Go Away, I’m Reading (Set #1)

Go away. I’m Reading.
Reading > Talking
Team Reading
Download: 1 / 2 / 3


Go Away, I’m Reading (Set #2)

Fiction > Reality
Shh. I’m in book mode.
Download set at Tracey’s site »


Go Away, I’m Reading (Set #3)

Climbing Mount Doom, BRB
In Narnia, BRB
At Hogwarts, BRB
In Forks, Send Help
In the Arena, BRB
Download set at Sarah’s site »


Hunger Games (Exclusive Set)

At the Reaping, BRB Download »

Warning: Girl on Fire is Download on Tracey’s site »

BRB, Drinking with Haymitch Download on Sarah’s site »

Follow these simple steps to print and cover your books:

  1. Download the cover PDFs.
  2. Take the PDFs to your local FedEx or Staples and select paper. We suggest a matte cardstock–you could print on gloss finishes, but be prepared for light glares at certain angles–with a weight between 60 and 80 lbs. (Anything lighter and the page will be too thin; anything heavier and folding it around your book will be difficult.)
  3. Print the dust jackets on tabloid paper (11×17 in).
  4. Head home and crop the jackets accordingly. Scissors will do the trick, but an exacto blade and ruler will give you cleaner lines. (You can also have the store cut the printouts for you, but it will cost a little more. NOTE: The crop marks in the files indicate sizing for a traditional YA book and general fiction (usually taller)
  5. Score your fold lines, and wrap up your books! (More info on the video tutorials tab.)
  6. Read in perfect, silent bliss.

There are two methods for covering your books: