TAKEN ARCs have arrived!

The UPS man brought me a gift today.

Typing is difficult right now because my hands are still shaking with excitement, so let me just jump straight to the goods. Check out this boxful of gorgeousness:

It’s my book!!! In book form! With pages! And a spine! Speaking of spines, look at this bad boy:

And here’s me, with TAKEN, beaming:

This has been, without a doubt, the most surreal part of my publication journey. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said my hands were shaking earlier. Holding what has up until now been solely a word document is nothing short of amazing. My book. Bound. Ready to start making its way into the world. The entire thing is scary and thrilling and liberating and rewarding and !!!! (I am truly at a loss for words.)

I’ll be holding a giveaway soonish*, but in the meantime, feel free to fill out the request form for ARCs of TAKEN.

I’m going to go stare at these ARCs a bit longer… And maybe read a few pages… :)

* TAKEN still doesn’t come out for nearly 9 months, and since I received ARCs fairly early, I can’t say for certain when I’ll be ready to host the giveaway. But it will happen. That, I can promise!

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover