Ready. Set. WRITE! {week7}

RSW badgeWhat’s Ready. Set. WRITE!, you ask? It’s a summer-long writing intensive that encourages goal setting and accountability, and provides an opportunity for writers to cheer each other on at any point in the process—be it planning, drafting, revising, and/or polishing. The event is hosted by Alison Miller, Jaime Morrow, Erin Funk, and Katy Upperman.

I’ll be checking in weekly to share my progress, and if you’re contemplating joining the fun, there’s still time! Full event details HERE.


How I did on last week’s goals

Pick away at SHUTDOWN edits — I’ll be completely honest: I got almost nothing done last week on this ms. But I knew that would probably happen, and am hoping to be more productive this week.

Finish reading RUIN & RISING — Success. And it was so, so good. Definitely my favorite of the trilogy.


My goals for this week

  • Revise at least 25% of SHUTDOWN
  • Finish reading TIGER LILY  (Started this over the weekend and am in love so far)


A favorite line from my project OR a word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised

Stalled. Cus I got pretty much nothing done.


The biggest challenge I faced this week

Personal obligations. I had a lot of stuff going on last week, and while I was productive, none of that productivity was on the writing front. But hey, that’s all right. We all need time away from the words to recharge now and again.


Something I love about my WIP

The fact that I’m eager to return to it. I’ve been playing with this ms since 2011 (?) 12 (?)… Still having a passion for the story is a huge relief.

That’s all I’ve got til next check-in. How was your week of writing/revising?

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover
Immunity cover