Happy Birthday, STOLEN!

Some stories come out almost effortlessly. Others you have to wrestle on to the page. Stolen was one of the former. Simply put, this novella was an absolute joy to write.

Stolen will give you a peek at what made Bree the hardened girl Gray meets in Taken, and it will provide a ton of insight as to why she acts as she does in forthcoming Frozen. I’m so proud of this little novella, and incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have told Bree’s story. Above all, I’m thrilled it’s finally in the world for you to read.

stolen novella

BUY STOLEN:  Kindle / Nook / iBooks / Kobo

Stolen is digital only, meaning you’ll have to read on your desktop or using your e-reader of choice, and I hope you’ll pick up a copy. (If not for you, maybe for a friend? I hear books make great gifts.)

In case you need more convincing, here’s 10 random facts about the novella:
  1. Stolen is approximately 20,000 words long, a quarter the length of Taken.
  2. At just $1.99, it’s cheaper than a Starbucks latte (and way more delicious).
  3. The story is about Bree, the island she grew up on, a summer drought, a witch doctor, an injured boy, herons, her best friend Lock (he’s about to turn 18), and loons, among other things.
  4. There’s one scene in the novella that also appears in Taken, only this time you’ll get it from Bree’s point of view.
  5. The novella took a month to draft.
  6. Being inside Bree’s head was my favorite part of the writing process.
  7. I had to do some pretty gruesome research—mainly, learning how amputations are done with limited supplies.
  8. Two characters have nicknames featuring alliteration: Lucky Lock (he survived a fever that should have killed him as a child) and Mad Mia (the village witch doctor no one takes seriously).
  9. At the end of the novella, you’ll get a sneak peek at the first two chapters of Frozen!
  10. My favorites scenes in Stolen all take place on the jetty.



I hope you have as much fun reading Stolen as I did writing it.

Stay tuned for a massive giveaway. I have a bunch of Frozen ARCs sitting on my desk, and seeing as it’s already February, I suppose I should send them into the world soon… :)

Lastly, I recently started an author newsletter. You can view the first issue here, and sign up to receive future ones here.

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