FROZEN is officially in the wild!

FrozenYesterday marked Frozen‘s release—hooray! I was able to stop by a few bookstores in my area and sign some stock, but nothing beats seeing your book on the shelf after months of toiling over a word document.

To those of you who preordered copies, or picked one up yesterday, THANK YOU! On that note, it’s worth mentioning that in author land, the next best thing after preorders is first week sales. So if you plan to read Frozen, snagging a copy this week is the very best thing you can do to support me/the series. (Hesitant to buy without peeking inside? You can read the first seven chapters online right now!)

But back to the topic of preorders…

I hosted a preorder giveaway contest over the last month, and I’ve finally drawn (at random) the one lucky grand prize winner:

Anna S!

Congrats to Anna, who will receive a signed paperback of Taken, an annotated ARC of Frozen, and a few of my favorite YA reads featuring memorable winter scenes: Shadow and BoneLovely, Dark and Deep; and Daughter of Smoke and Bone. (Anna, expect an email from me shortly.)

To everyone else who entered the contest: thank you. I hope your swag has arrived safely, and I very much appreciate you preordering a copy of Frozen.

Now what are you still doing on this blog? Don’t you have a sequel to read? ;)

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover
Immunity cover