Winding down 2012: my year in review

Overall, I have to say that 2012 was a pretty rocking year. I finished TAKEN and got to hold it in ARC form (So surreal!). I drafted and revised TAKEN2 (Lots of blood, sweat, and tears, but so worth it). I went on an awesome trip to Europe (bucket list item checked off!) and met a few writer friends IRL (finally!!).

As awesome as 2012 was, it was also a bit weird. I’m not sure how to accurately describe it other than to say I felt stuck in limbo. Most of 2012 was this weird twelve month period where I was an author of a book not yet available to anyone. I could only say so much about TAKEN, and even less about TAKEN2. (I swear, every day I think I’m going to spoil something for the sequel of a book whose first installment isn’t even in the world yet.) I know certain things are going to change come 2013. They are going to get crazy and frantic and be very new. Likely with lots of learning on my end. But I am so ready to move on to the next stage in the game. It’s been a long wait, and strange, wonderful trip, and I’m ready for TAKEN to be yours, not just mine.

I didn’t blog as much this year as I did in 2011 (on account of deadlines and revisions and such), but I wanted to look back on some of the popular posts as I did last year. So that new readers can catch up on things that might have missed. And so that long-time readers can reminisce; because let’s face it, winter of 2012 feels like a lifetime ago.

So here are my top 10 posts of 2012 (according to google analytics):

#10 My writing space: before & after (In which I highlight my office redesign) — July 10

#9 The grass is always greener (In which I discuss being present)– February 19

#8 TAKEN ARCs have arrived! — July 3

#7 Winding down 2012: some thoughts on Harry (In which I reflect on my #HPAlways series reread) — December 18

#6 Go Away, I’m Reading: Hunger Games inspired dust jackets (In which Sarah Enni, Tracey Neithercott, and I extend the snarky dust jacket family to Katniss’ world) — March 21

#5 Something Strange & Deadly Outbreak (In which Sarah J. Maas and I celebrate Susan Dennard’s debut) — July 23

#4 10 things I learned while writing a sequel — April 25

#3 A Scrivener tutorial: character worksheets and freeform corkboard — March 19

#2 A Scrivener tutorial: outlining — January 25

#1 Go Away! I’m Reading. (In which Sarah Enni, Tracey Neithercott, and I introduce you to the snarky dust jackets that will save you from reading interruptions) — February 10

The fact that my Harry Potter post even made this list (seeing as I only blogged it last week) makes me all sorts of happy. And amazed. And proud to be a Potterhead with y’all. My #HPAlways reread was one of the highlights of my year, and I’m thrilled so many of you tagged along for the ride. It wouldn’t have been the same alone.

And on that note, I just have to say thank you to everyone who reads this blog. Cheesy as it may sound, I am so glad to have met you all via the wonders of the internet, to have shared news and thoughts and musings with you, and to have geeked out over books together. May there be much more of all of the above in 2013!

Happy New Year, everyone!

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