As promised: pictures from Europe (plus exciting other news)

It took me a very long while to dig through the hundreds of pictures I took during my trip to Europe last month, but I finally have a small sampling to share. It rained for much of our vacation, and while that didn’t keep us from having a fantastic time, it unfortunately resulted in lot of washed-out, gray photos. I’ve included the least-dreary ones below.

But first! A few updates:

I’m over on the Crowe’s Nest today talking about my current WIP, otherwise known as the manuscript that is trying to kill me. If you feel so inclined, please go check it out!

Book two has been turned in to my editor! Hooray! There is no link to go along with this news, but it’s just too good to not share. I’m really happy with where this books stands and I can’t wait to get my revision letter so I can dive back in and start making it even better.

But most importantly….

I will reveal TAKEN’s cover on Pub(lishing) Crawl on June 19th! That’s just a mere week from today! In addition to the gorgeous cover, the post will also include an interview with the cover designer, Erin Fitzsimmons, who’s giving you a behind-the-curtains peek at Harper’s design process and how TAKEN’s artwork came to life. I’ve been staring at this cover since around Christmas time, and I’m so, so, sooooo excited to finally share it with you guys. It is beautiful and striking and unique and eerie and I love it to pieces. I hope you will too!

And now, finally, pictures from my time in Europe (click to enlarge):

The Notre Dame cathedral.

The Eiffel Tower beneath a nearly white sky.

View from the second floor of the Eiffel Tower.

Looking up.

Pretty architecture in Paris. (On the ChampsÉlysées to be exact.)

Mountain view from our hotel in Fussen, Germany.

Neuschwanstein Castle, which was undergoing renovations and covered in scaffolding, but gorgeous nonetheless.

Me and the Engineer in Heidelberg, Germany! (With Heidelberg Castle in the background.)

View of the town from Heidelberg Castle’s gardens.

Another view, this time with adorable hillside sheep!

Boppard, Germany–A picturesque town on the Rhine where we spent several days.

View of the Rhine’s famous bend from a hiking overlook.

YA books in an indie German bookstore. I spy Hunger Games, Divergent, Across the Universe, and more! Go YA!

Amsterdam canals.

Dutch poffertjes. Essentially fluffy mini-pancakes served with powdered sugar and butter. So dangerously delicious.

Tulips at the Netherlands famous Keukenhof Garden.

So those are the highlights! I wish I had more, but like I said, so many of the shots were all gray and rainy. Boo!

I’m going to spend the next few days revising my WIP (the aforementioned MS that is trying to kill me) and prepping my cover reveal post for next week. In the meantime, if you want to add TAKEN to your goodreads shelf or help me spread the word about the cover reveal on twitter (by using the #TAKEN hashtag), that would be just lovely.

Thank you, in advance, for being so awesome. :)

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover