Go away! I’m reading.

Some people just don’t understand that when you have your nose deep in a book, it means just that. You are deep in a book. You do NOT want to be interrupted.

The other day, my friend Sarah Enni found this amazing pin on etsy:

I thought it was genius, but Tracey Neithercott promptly pointed out that it would be even better to have a dust jacket sporting this same message. It would be larger, bolder, easier to read. Sarah and Tracey started lamenting over how someone Must Make These and Do So Immediately, so I chimed in and offered up my design services.

A few days later, the three of us have a present for you. A lovely little family that we call the “Go Away” Dust Jacket series. We wrote a bunch of snarky “leave me alone” messages, I designed a few fancy covers, and now we want to share the entire batch with you.

Imagine how much easier it will be to read in peace and quiet when you look like this from across the room:


We split the family up into three different sets, and if you jump around between our sites, you can download them all!

I’m giving away this set (scroll down to access set #1):


Tracey is giving away these snarky beauties (click here to get set #2):


And Sarah is giving away these book-specific masterpieces (click here to get set #3):


Look at how pretty they look when they are all lined up together!!


Download set #1 from the “Go Away Dust Jackets” series:

Go away. I’m Reading. (pdf)  //  Reading > Talking (pdf)  //  Team Reading (pdf)


Printing Instructions:
These covers will fit the traditionally-sized YA book.* Take the PDFs to your local FedEx or Staples and get them printed on tabloid paper (11x17in). We suggest a matte cardstock  (you could print on something glossy, but sometimes that causes light glares at certain angles and you want people to be able to read that Go Away message without incident). Choose a weight between 60-80lb for the paper. Anything lighter and the page will be too thin, anything heavier and folding it around your book will be difficult. You can have the store cut the printer-outs for you (it will cost a little more), or you can handle it on your own when you get home (there are crop marks in the files).


Assembly Instructions:**


So happy reading! Happy book wrapping! Enjoy your peaceful, uninterrupted reading time :)

Creative Commons License
“Go Away” Dust Jacket Series by Erin Bowman, Sarah Enni, and Tracey Neithercott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.embowman.com.

* Massive of uniquely sized books, like Harry Potter, may stretch these dust jackets beyond their limits. You’ve been warned ;)
**I apologize for the video being backwards. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to flip it. I know it should be easy, but I’m having a blonde moment, so please bare with me. Also, please ignore the very sad and lonely shelf above my desk. I cleaned it off so that my ARCs can one day sit there. :)

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