Thank you!!! (and, let’s celebrate)

I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who has taken to the time to congratulate me on my book deal these last few days. From emails and blog comments to twitter messages and RTs, you guys have been amazing. I have been so touched by how genuinely thrilled and excited everyone seems to be – for me, to read my book, about the deal in general. Seriously, thank you all!!!

I’m still waiting for many details regarding LAICOS, such as an expected publication date, and I will share more info as it become available. In the meantime, if you wanted to go add THE LAICOS PROJECT on goodreads, that would be awesome!

In honor of all this great news – and mostly because I’m still riding out my high from Wednesday – I thought I should host a celebratory giveaway. Writing a book, snagging an agent, and landing a book deal has been an exciting journey for me so far. I am 100% certain that getting to this milestone would not have been possible without the support of my friends, family and husband, but since I can’t give these things away, I will give away everything else that helped me get to where I am now.

» Giveaway Details (or, crucial necessities for every writer):

Books: a $20 gift card
Buy yourself that book you’ve been dying to read. Curl up on the couch, turn the pages through the night, and face your MS in the morning re-inspired.

Music: a $10 iTunes gift card
Download some new writing music and listen while you attack that pesky scene.

Coffee: a $5 Starbucks gift card
Go get yourself something delicious and caffeinated. You are going to need it for that final chapter.

Feedback: a 30-page critique by yours truly
An objective critique partner made a world of difference for LAICOS. I’ll read the first 30 pages of your MS (completed or wip) and give you my honest thoughts!


  • To enter, leave me a comment and tell me your favorite read in recent months (Even though my TBR list is miles long, I’m always looking for great recommendations).
  • Specify which items you would like to enter to win. For example, if you hate coffee and have nothing that needs critiquing at the moment, say “entering for books and music only.” If you don’t specify any items, I will assume you are entering for all.
  • Giveaway is open until Sunday, April 17, at 11:59PM (EST). US and Canada only. Winners will be announced 4/18.

** NOTE: I approve comments before they appear on this site, but rest assured that if you submit your comment at 11:59 or earlier on 4/17, it will qualify as an entry (It may just take me until the following morning to approve it and push it live)

34 Responses
  1. Oh, what a great giveaway! Congrats again your fab book deal, Erin!

    Hmm, my favorite read in recent months? That would probably have to be The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. It won’t the Pulitzer Prize in history last year and it is simply amazing.

    As for YA, I just finished Wither and I liked it a lot!

  2. Congratulations again, Erin!

    I haven’t been reading a lot lately (I can’t wait until college is all over and I can read novels to my heart’s content), and tend to fall back on my favorite re-reads, which is the entire THE QUEEN’S THIEF series by Megan Whalen Turner.

    Oh yay! A 30-page critique from you! That’s the awesomest giveaway — I’m definitely entering for that. And also for books. Because one can never have enough books. :)

  3. Congrats again, Erin! I am so very happy for you! And thanks for this fantastic giveaway… I’ll enter to win the critique or the Amazon giftcard, please. :)

    My favorite read of the year so far is JELLICOE ROAD. I’m also halfway through DIVERGENT and totally loving it!

    1. Erin

      Ooh, I just bought JELLICOE ROAD the other day at the book store. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it and can’t wait to dig in!

  4. Moridin

    Congratulations on your book deal!
    My favorite read in recent months is probably Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. It’s the thirteenth book in the series, though, so I suggest you start from the beginning. I’m entering for books only.

  5. Oooh, this is an exciting giveaway!

    Best reads in the last few months are JELLICOE ROAD (so, so good!) and PAPER TOWNS by John Green.

    Entering for everything except for the critique, because I don’t quite have thirty pages yet. :)

    1. Erin

      I love everything John Green. PAPER TOWNS was great, although I have a soft spot for LOOKING FOR ALASKA. That book! I keep hearing great things about JELLICOE ROAD. It’s on my book shelf and it will have to be my next read!

  6. Yaaaay giveaway! I’d love any of the prizes :) My favorite reads in the last 6 months have been WILL GRAYSON WILL GRAYSON and ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS, for sure!

    1. Erin

      I adored ANNA ATFK. Absolutely adored it. Haven’t read WG, WG yet, but it’s on my TBR list. Might have to move it up after your reco! :)

  7. I was a big fan of Clarity by Kim Harrison :) Enter me for books, music or coffee, they all sound great!

    I should really log into GoodReads sometime. I know I have an account, but I haven’t even used it in like months! lol. But when I do I’ll totally add The Laicos Project :)

  8. I just read the comments (I’m always looking for book recommendations, too) and I have to say that Jellicoe Road is awesome. It’s one of those books you can’t stop thinking about even when you’re done. The best book I’ve read in the past few months was Anna and the French Kiss. It’s adorable.

    As for the giveaway, my pick would be the 30-page critique.

    1. Erin

      I seriously cannot wait to read JELLICOE ROAD. If people don’t stop saying amazing things, I’m going to have to put my current read on hold for it. Gah! So many amazing books and too little time!

    1. Erin

      Thank you for the congrats! LITTLE BEE is another book on my TBR list. Man, I need about 20 more hours a day!

  9. Elise

    My favorite read in recent months is Tiger’s Curse. It’s great. I am entering for the Book gift card and the music gift card and the coffee gift card. Thanks.
    caliblue7 at gmail dot com

  10. Alex

    Congrats!! My favorite reads in recent months have got to be The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, and Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff! I’d like to enter for books, music, and coffer please =)

  11. Ellen

    I just finished reading “Where She Went” by Gayle Forman. Beautiful and heartbreaking. I finished it in a day, and I’d highly recommend it.

    I’m entering for anything, but I’d really like the 30 page critique. Thanks a bunch!

  12. Congratulations! My favourite book would definitely be “Life on the Refrigerator Door” by Alice Kuipers. Although it’s not overly well-known, everything about it (including the format) is just so cute and sad at the same time! Only entering for books please :)

  13. One ongoing series that I adore is The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica. They’re sooo dense, and sooo well-planned out. Like HP on the grown-up level (but it IS young adult)!

    Oh, and no Starbucks card for me. I’m not taintin’ mah teeth with that kind of shizzle. ;)

    CONGRATS AGAIN, ERIN! Can’t WAIT to read The Laicos Project!! (Look, I even italicized that — which means it’s a REAL BOOK!) :) :)

    1. Erin

      I haven’t read this series either. Man, my TBR list is going to explode soon! Thanks for the recommendation. :)

  14. Mary Alice Kropp

    Hmm, recent months?? Nothing I’ve read recently has left me saying “wow”. How about a recommend from my Dad? He says Big Russ and Me by Tim Russert is great. It’s on my tbr shelf. I just haven’t gotten to it yet.

    No coffee for me, thanks. No Starbucks close enough.

    1. Erin

      I just took a peek at this on goodreads and it seems to be well received by the community. Thanks for the reco. Adding to my ever-growing TBR list!

  15. Hannah

    My most recently loved read was actually an adult book (Spin by Catherine McKenzie), but most recent YA: The Vespertine, Saundra Mitchell :)

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