Updates, eight of them

I’ve been totally MIA lately, and I apologize. I miss the days when I was able to blog about fun topics–be it craft posts, industry insight, or even just freebies like dusk jackets. Hopefully some more of those will pop up in the future.

Until then, a dull but straight-forward list of news:

1) The first draft of TAKEN3 is in the hands of my editor! Okay fine, it’s actually more like the tenth draft, but this is the first time she’s seeing it. It’s the beginning of the end for me, and this is in incredibly bizarre. Gray’s been in my head since early 2010! I realize most of the world is just meeting him and the rest of the cast, and how cruel that my time with them is almost up. I’m not ready to say goodbye! (Fun fact: I sobbed a ton while writing this book. I’m sure I’ll sob even more during revisions.)

2) I’m also hard at work on a novella in the TAKEN world. Did I mention this yet? I honestly can’t remember, so how about something I’m certain I haven’t shared yet: The title! The novella is called STOLEN, and it’s a prequel to TAKEN, following Bree in the months leading up to her sixteenth birthday. I have about 14k done so far and it has been such a blast to be in her head. (I’m even more excited for you to get a closer look at what made her the hardened, stubborn girl Gray meets in TAKEN.) You can add STOLEN to your goodreads, and/or preorder it for your kindle or nook. It will be available in early February.

FROZEN arcs3) On an even more exciting note, FROZEN ARCs EXIST! Just like with TAKEN, my arcs have arrived nearly ten months prior to pub. It’s very exciting to hold the story in book-form, but because of how early I received them, I won’t be giving arcs away any time soon. (Please don’t hate me!) I’ll likely hold on to these bad boys until closer to the new year, but you can always keep an eye on Edelweiss. Harper might put FROZEN up for request.

4) Can’t wait for more Gray? Maybe this character interview will hold you over. There’s also a chance to win an e-copy of TAKEN (open internationally) for those who have yet to read.

5) We are long overdue for a game of #namethatbook. August is nearly here, and like always, I’ll host a game of #namethatbook on the first Thursday of the month, which just so happens to be 8/1 this year. We’ll play at 9pm (EST), but since I missed June’s game while on tour, we’re going to play TWO games. That means ten rounds, back-to-back. Double the chances to win! Hope to see you there.

6) I’ll be signing at the Brookline Booksmith next weekend. Full details are here, but if you’re in the Boston area, I’d love to see you!

7) My good friend Susan Dennard has a new book out today! A DARKNESS STRANGE AND LOVELY, sequel to SOMETHING STRANGE AND DEADLY, is now on shelves. It’s got the characters you love, and the zombies you remember squirming at, but in Paris. Yes, Paris. I highly recommend you buy a copy asap. It’s just as good, if not better, than book one!

8) Lastly: thank you. TAKEN has now been in the world about three months, and I just want to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me, read the book, tweeted about characters, and been generally awesome. None of this would be possible without readers. I think my favorite part of having a novel in the world has been watching people react to it. The quotes people gravitate towards…the artwork fans create… It makes it all worth it. So again: thank you. Thank. You.


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The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover