Go Away, I’m Reading: Hunger Games inspired dust jackets

Remember when we made those snarky dust jackets so you could tell people to bug off while reading?

Well the response has been so amazing that Sarah, Tracey, and I have been thinking long and hard about how to move forward with the project and give you guys more goodies. We are seriously considering opening some sort of store for both dust jackets and e-reader covers. Maybe even additional goodies. Who knows! But we’d love your feedback to help us get started.

If you have some time, please take two minutes (that’s seriously all it will require) to fill out this survey. We’d really appreciate it.

In the meantime, how about we celebrate the upcoming movie with some special Hunger Games inspired dust jackets? The message is still clear — go away, I’m reading — but now you can get sassy with District 12 terminology:

Download “At the reaping” right here on my blog:

At the reaping, brb (pdf)

If you want “Girl on fire” or “Drinking with Haymitch” covers, head to Tracey and Sarah‘s blogs.

And lastly:

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New + Forthcoming

Dustborn Cover
The Girl and the Witch's Garden cover