Fundamentals of Design: Dashboard


I’m so glad you’re here! This course is split into five units (one for each design fundamental) that can be completed at your own pace. Don’t forget to visit the Resource Center when you’re done to download your free “Design Fundamentals Cheat Sheet.”


A quick overview of why good design matters—and why all authors should know the basics.

Unit One:

Defining your design’s goal, audience, and desired response.

Unit Two:

Prioritizing your content and communicating it effectively.

Unit Three:
Color + Contrast

Selecting stunning color palettes for your designs.

Unit Four:

Selecting legible fonts and arranging copy artfully.

Unit Five:
Spacing + Layout

Crafting layouts that are balanced and beautiful.

Resource Center

Download your Design Fundamentals Cheat Sheet and browse online resources.

Add-On Critique

Need feedback on a design project? Here’s how to add on a personalized critique from Erin.

If you have technical issues or need to reach me directly, please send an email.