Look at all these RTs about the Young Authors Give Back tour! Thank you, thank you!!! I promised to reveal the title of TAKEN’s sequel after 50 RTs, and as you can see above, you guys met that challenge like pros. Rather than continuing to ramble, I’m just going to say thanks one last time–THANK...Continue Reading
Having spent my college and then pre-publication years studying and practicing web design, I’ve been answering a certain question a lot these last few weeks: Did being a designer change and/or shape how you write? This question has popped up in multiple interviews, and at signing events, and while I’ve answered it in those various instances,...Continue Reading
Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.—E.L. Doctorow (as quoted by Anne Lamott in Bird by Bird) Some writers live and breath outlines. They detail out every plot point and twist and scene and character...Continue Reading
I’ve been thinking about love triangles ever since YALSA’s BFYA Teen Feedback Session at ALA Midwinter. More specifically, ever since these two tweets, paraphrasing what one of the teens said during the panel, showed up in my feed: Many tweets followed, all seeming to confirm that teens are love-triangled out. Now I’m not trying to discount the...Continue Reading