…having an eye for words. Or an ear, that is. Although, I suppose this pertains to all crafts. Once you get deep enough in something, you can’t escape it. Lately, when I’ve been curled up on my couch with a book, I’ve found myself stumbling over sentences, editing it in my mind as I read. I’ll...Continue Reading
…blind dating. Not that I’d actually know – I’ve never been on a blind date. But even without any credentials to be making this statement, I deem them similar. » Step One Try to narrow your pool of candidates by “interests” (writing for your same audience and at least familiar with your genre). If they...Continue Reading
I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about this because I feel it’s been quite the buzz on the web this week. Lots of good advice/thoughts/personal experience floating around out there. Let’s jump right in, shall we? Elisabeth Black wrote a fancy little post a few days back about the difference between writing as...Continue Reading
I never intended to write a young adult novel. Truthfully, my first novel (which I wrote over cheap NFL jerseys a year ago now), was originally geared toward adults. Then somewhere in the be middle of writing it, things started to shift, the target audience slowly change. This is half the reason why that cheap...Continue Reading