Today is a very commercial holiday, but in a weird way, it always reminds me of Thanksgiving. Each and every Valentine’s Day I find myself reflecting on the number of wonderful people in my life. Friends, family, loved ones. I am truly blessed. I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky to be surrounded by so...Continue Reading
Some people just don’t understand that when you have your nose deep in a book, it means just that. You are deep in a book. You do NOT want to be interrupted. The other day, my friend Sarah Enni found this amazing pin on etsy: I thought it was genius, but Tracey Neithercott promptly pointed...Continue Reading
Today is my birthday! (*does happy dance*) A year ago this time, I had just finished signing with my agent. My how things have changed! A huge milestone these past twelve months was selling my book, and after that, it was surviving my editorial revisions for Taken, which are finally nearing completion. So I thought we’d...Continue Reading
Today is my birthday! Another year gone by, and yet, I don’t feel any older. Some delusional part of me still thinks I’m 16. In celebration of aging numerically but not at heart, I’m giving away some goodies over on Pub(lishing) Crawl and talking about the revision process that follows an author receiving their editorial...Continue Reading