I’m guest blogging over on my agent’s blog today, the Crowe’s Nest. I wrote a fancy post – “As Nike says, “Just do it” – where I ramble about finding the time to write, and then no matter what, starting. The Nike slogan is pure genius, and while its focus is on running, I think...Continue Reading
I put down a book the other day. I tried to like it; I really did. I gave it a lot of chances, but in the end, I chose to abandon it for a different read. There are just too many books on my TBR list and far too little time in each day for...Continue Reading
For a very long time, I was a firm believer that writing every day was the best recipe for staying sharp, focused and creative. Some days you write for hours, other days only a few minutes. But I’ve recently started to believe that writing every day may not always be the best approach. By all...Continue Reading
Last night I got overwhelmed by this feeling that tends to plague me. I was on twitter, conversing with a bunch of my writer friends, and suddenly, at that very same moment, I felt insanely alone. And I started wondering why it is, that as a writer, I can feel so supported by fellow writers...Continue Reading