

Love Lists

While I read YA Highway religiously, I don’t usually participate in their Road Trip Wednesdays. However, this week’s prompt is so much fun that I couldn’t resist. Especially given how long I’ve gone without blogging. (I’m so sorry! Shame on me!) The prompt this week was to create a “love list” for your story/WIP/book/etc. What’s...
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The words you cut are the most important

A quick confession: On average, I end up cutting about 10% of my manuscript during the revision process. TEN PERCENT! Am I the only one that thinks this number seems huge? To put this in perspective, I’m nearly done revising Taken‘s sequel, and I’ve currently cut 14k (15%) from the story. With Taken, the novel shrunk by...
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Facing the blank page

Lately, whenever I “finish” a novel I find myself thinking, “I couldn’t possibly have written that story. Someone else sat down at my computer and did it for me. How did I make this happen?” I submitted my first draft of Taken‘s sequel to my editor about a month and a half ago, and just a...
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The cliffhanger dilemma

When it comes to series, people seem to either love or hate cliffhangers. I’ve always been in the camp that prefers a cliffhanger-free story. This doesn’t mean I expect all plot threads to be tied up in a neat bow by the final page, but I do expect the story’s main conflict to be resolved....
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