I apologize, blog readers. Truly, I do. We won a new piece of business at the day job, and it’s going to have me on a train to NYC once a week for meetings for the next few months. As you can imagine, this on top my revisions (I just started working on my second...Continue Reading
Today, I’m over on the Crowe’s Nest, talking about online friendships and my undying love of Twitter. Check it out! And in other news, the lovely Katy Upperman “tagged” me in a post the other day, requesting that I share ten riveting (and random) facts about myself. Here they are: ONE — I have never...Continue Reading
Around this time last year, an agent blogged about the importance of critique partners – having one, finding one that matched your needs and gave the type of feedback you required, was honest and trustworthy, etc, etc. The agent then graciously invited people in need of a critique partner to post their book blurbs, their...Continue Reading
A year ago, today, I wrote my first blog post. I’d spent the two years prior typing feverishly at my computer, separated from and uninvolved in the online writing community. And the industry in general, for that matter. I hadn’t once taken a look at an agent’s blog or submission guidelines. I didn’t know what...Continue Reading