Grab your free download and peruse the roundup of helpful links.
Your free cheat sheet summarizes everything you’ve learned in this workshop. Download it and keep it on your desktop/device for easy access to the five fundamentals of good design.
Below is a list of design programs and helpful apps/tools. Be sure to read the details; some are full software programs while others have a narrowed (but powerful) focus.
Below is a list of resources for high quality fonts for use in your designs, as well as handy web resource for identifying fonts and finding similar typefaces.
Below is a roundup of helpful design software tutorials—some video, some step-by-step guides. ALL free.
I’ve focused mainly on Canva, as that is hands-down my recommendation for beginner designers. Even if you’re a more advanced designers, Canva’s array of features still allow most authors to tackle all their design needs.
Canva’s Tutorial Database
Most of the beginner videos are in the first section, Getting Started with Canva, but more advanced designers may find other sections helpful as well.
Natalia Kalinska’s How to Use Canva For Beginners Tutorial
The entire video is a fantastic watch for newbie designers who want to understand all of Canva’s basic features. Or jump directly to a common task here:
Using the Eyedropper Tool
A step by step guide to Canva’s eyedropper tool (so you can pull colors from your cover!)
Adobe’s Photoshop Tutorial Database
Adobe’s Photoshop database is filled with tons of helpful guides. Browse them all or jump directly to a specific task below:
If you have technical issues or need to reach me directly, please send an email.