Please be aware that while Erin reads every message she receives, she will only respond to opportunities that fit her interests and schedule.
Students: read this before emailing.
For all rights and business inquiries, as well as blurb requests, please contact Erin’s literary agent, Michelle Wolfson, of Wolfson Literary Agency.
You can send physical mail to Erin at:
Erin Bowman
PO Box 178
Concord, NH 03302
If you’d like a signed bookmark and/or stickers, send a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to Erin Bowman, P.O. Box 178, Concord, NH 03302, and note outlining what swag you’re hoping to receive. If I have supplies, I’ll send it!
Make sure your envelope is at least 8 inches long or bookmarks will not fit without being folded. A Forever stamp (foreign or domestic depending on your location) is strongly recommended.
If you own a digital copy of any of Erin’s books, you can request a signature via Authorgraph. If you’re interested in purchasing a signed physical book, you can order through her local indie, Gibson’s Bookstore.