

A Snowy Sunday Morning

The Engineer and I woke up to a half foot of fluffy, powdery snow. Before the wind or sun could knock it from the branches, we hiked the conservation land behind our house. I could not stop taking photos. Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday. <3
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One word for 2014

Happy New Year!!! How is it possible that we entered a new century fourteen years ago?! I swear 1999 still feels like yesterday. But on to the topic at hand… For the last few years, I’ve been picking a ‘word of the year’ instead of declaring a traditional resolution. In 2013 I aimed to be...
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A photo recap of the last two weeks

The days since my book launched have flown by–perhaps even faster than the ones leading up to it did.*  Launch day itself was low key and wonderful. I got a massage, spotted TAKEN on a bookshelf for the first time ever, and the Engineer and I went out for a nice dinner. My house was...
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Happy Birthday, TAKEN!!!

First and foremost, I need to take a moment and offer my condolences to the city of Boston. I lived in Boston for a few years after college. I know exactly how much the marathon means to the city, how the day is a holiday and celebration. The entire incident left me saddened and shocked....
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