This book is being reviewed as a part of Tracey Neithercott’s YA Book Club. This month we’re talking about INSURGENT, which picks up right where DIVERGENT left off. Here’s the summary from the inside jacket: Tris’s initiation day should have been marked by celebration and victory with her chosen faction; instead, the day ended with...Continue Reading
I spent most of this month revising book two based on my critique partner’s brilliant feedback. But somehow, I still managed to plow my way through a pretty solid stack of books. Let’s get to it! Books I read this April: After the killer cliffhanger at the end of Robison Well’s VARIANT, I’ve been super...Continue Reading
Lots of books this month! Lots of books with…dark covers. THE DISENCHANTMENTS sticks out like a sore thumb ;) Anyway, let’s get to it! Here’s what I read in March: Sarah J Maas’ second novella in the THRONE OF GLASS series, THE ASSASSIN AND THE DESERT, came out just two days ago and I’ve already...Continue Reading
About a year ago, I was at the day job (web design), when a link to a blog post made it’s way around the office via AIM. The post was basically one man’s manifesto when it came to creativity. He listed out ten things he wished he knew when he was starting out as a...Continue Reading