

Winding down 2012: fave reads of the year and most anticipated in 2013

Wow. I can’t believe I’m writing this post. It feels like just a month ago I was doing my 2011 wrap-up. Before I get to the goods I just want to give a belated congratulations to anyone who attempted NaNo last month. GO YOU. If you’re looking for a critique partner to help you whip...
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What I’m Reading: November Edition

How is it December already? Seriously? This time of year always seems to fly. I’ve been bad with blogging recently; there was only one post between last month’s bulk review post and this one. To be fair, I was under deadline for TAKEN2 (which is now turned in–hooray!) and I participated in NaNo, so I...
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What I’m Reading: September & October edition

I’ve been super busy lately and realized, only as I sat down to write my bulk review post for October, that I missed my review post for September. I just finished my Harry Potter series rereadathon, but I’ll save my words for a Harry-centric post in the coming weeks. Until then, here are the other...
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What I’m Reading: August edition

Yesterday was September 1st. I’ll admit I didn’t even realize this until about 7:30 at night. Until then, it was still August in my mind…probably because I was on revision, and when I work under a deadline the days seem to fly by and blend together until I reach a point where I couldn’t tell...
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